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"Stöd en Syster" at Röda Sten



A seemingly black bead

as acid attacked, burned

and charred.

Symbolizing millennia of

desecration, oppression and violence

against women.


Enough is enough!


Time for transformation.

The feminist primordial power

come alive in all of us after

millenia of slumber and

heal our wounded souls


Let the feminine power to sprout and grow in a loving, gentle, powerful way. .

Love and light to all men and women

Price: 21,000 -

Alternatively rent / optional donation per month

Revenues will go to the Women's and girls' shelter ADA's in Gothenburg.


Technique: Sculpture

Size: height 50 cm, width 27 cm, depth 22 cm

Year: 2013 Edition: 1/1

"More women die from violence in close relationships than of

malaria, traffic accidents and war together! "

Source World Bank


On the 22th of November 2013 I will be participating along with some other artists in the exhibition under the theme "Violence against women" at Konsthallen Röda Sten in Gothenburg.

UN `s UN Women Gothenburg organizes evening with art exhibition, party with live bands and DJ's to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against women on November 25, all revenues from the evening go to the Women's and girls' shelter ADA's in Gothenburg.


Copyright 2015 © All Rights Reserved Energyart Susanne Byström SusBus